JavaTM APIs for XML based RPC
Sample Application HelloWorld
This sample application uses wsdl as a starting
point to generate client and server artifacts. The client for this example
uses static stub to connect to the server.
For Solaris/Linux:
- %export JAVA_HOME=<your J2SE installation
- %export JWSDP_HOME=<your JWSDP installation
- %export ANT_HOME=$JWSDP_HOME/apache-ant
- %export PATH =$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- %cd $JWSDP_HOME/jaxrpc/samples/HelloWorld
- %ant deploy-war ( This step is not required as long
as the pre-packaged war is not changed )
- Restart jwsdp.
- ant run-client
For WindowsNT/2000/XP
- > set JAVA_HOME=<your J2SE installation directory>
- > set JWSDP_HOME=<your JWSDP installation directory>
- > set ANT_HOME=%JWSDP_HOME%\apache-ant
- > set PATH =%ANT_HOME%/bin;%JAVA_HOME%/bin;%PATH%
- > cd %JWSDP_HOME%\jaxrpc\samples\HelloWorld
- > ant deploy-war ( This
step is not required as long as the pre-packaged war is not changed )
- Restart jwsdp.
- > ant run-client