JavaTM Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) Registry Server 1.0_06 Sample Applications

The preferred method of accessing the functionality of the Java WSDP Registry Server is to use the JavaTM API for XML Registries (JAXR).

Please refer to the JAXR documentation for APIs, samples, and usage notes on using JAXR to access the Registry Server.

User Management

The UDDI specification does not define how user information is managed, so this functionality is implementation-specific. The Registry Server implements user management as follows.

Adding a New User to the Registry

To add a new user to the Registry Server database, you first generate a hash password for the user. Then you use the file UserInfo.xml in the xml subdirectory. Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the file xml/UserInfo.xml in an editor.
  2. Change the values in the <fname>, <lname>, and <uid> tags to the first name, last name, and unique user ID (UID) of the new user. The <uid> tag is commonly the user's login name. It must be unique.
  3. Change the value in the <passwd> tag to a password of your choice This is the password for the new user. Do not modify the <tokenExpiration> or <authInfo> tag.
  4. Save and close the UserInfo.xml file.
  5. Enter the following command (all on one line):

    registry-server-test run-cli-request -Drequest=xml\UserInfo.xml
    UNIX: run-cli-request -Drequest=xml/UserInfo.xml

Deleting a User from the Registry

To delete a user from the registry, you use the file UserDelete.xml in the xml subdirectory.

Before you run the script this time, edit this file by modifying the values in the <fname>, <lname>, <uid>, and <passwd> tags.

To delete the user, use the following command:

registry-server-test run-cli-request -Drequest=xml\UserDelete.xml
UNIX: run-cli-request -Drequest=xml/UserDelete.xml