SunONE Application Server v8.0 PE

Interface ExternalLink

All Superinterfaces:
ExtensibleObject, RegistryObject, URIValidator

public interface ExternalLink
extends RegistryObject, URIValidator

ExternalLink instances model a named URI to content that may reside outside the registry. RegistryObject may be associated with any number of ExternalLinks to annotate a RegistryObject with external links to external content.

Consider the case where a Submitting Organization submits a repository item (e.g. a DTD) and wants to associate some external content to that object (e.g. the Submitting Organization's home page). The ExternalLink enables this capability.

Farrukh S. Najmi
See Also:

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getExternalURI()
          Gets URI to the an external resource.
 java.util.Collection getLinkedObjects()
          Gets the collection of RegistryObjects that are annotated by this ExternalLink.
 void setExternalURI(java.lang.String uri)
          Sets URI for an external resource.
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject
addAssociation, addAssociations, addClassification, addClassifications, addExternalIdentifier, addExternalIdentifiers, addExternalLink, addExternalLinks, getAssociatedObjects, getAssociations, getAuditTrail, getClassifications, getDescription, getExternalIdentifiers, getExternalLinks, getKey, getLifeCycleManager, getName, getObjectType, getRegistryPackages, getSubmittingOrganization, removeAssociation, removeAssociations, removeClassification, removeClassifications, removeExternalIdentifier, removeExternalIdentifiers, removeExternalLink, removeExternalLinks, setAssociations, setClassifications, setDescription, setExternalIdentifiers, setExternalLinks, setKey, setName, toXML
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ExtensibleObject
addSlot, addSlots, getSlot, getSlots, removeSlot, removeSlots
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.registry.infomodel.URIValidator
getValidateURI, setValidateURI

Method Detail


public java.util.Collection getLinkedObjects()
                                      throws JAXRException
Gets the collection of RegistryObjects that are annotated by this ExternalLink.

Capability Level: 0

Collection of RegistryObjects. Return an empty Collection if no RegistryObjects are annotated by this object.
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public java.lang.String getExternalURI()
                                throws JAXRException
Gets URI to the an external resource. Default is a NULL String.

Capability Level: 0

the URI String for this object (e.g. "")
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void setExternalURI(java.lang.String uri)
                    throws JAXRException
Sets URI for an external resource.

Capability Level: 0

uri - the URI String for this object (e.g. "")
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error

SunONE Application Server v8.0 PE

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